

The installation of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows at home can help the home environment become warm in winter and cool in summer, which can give us a better home experience.

门窗是建筑的外表面围护,直接能影响建筑的节能性能的是门窗,所以门窗的保温作用是建筑能 量损耗的关键,而节能保温是节能门窗的功效之一。

Doors and windows are the outer surface enclosure of buildings, and the doors and windows directly affect the energy-saving performance of buildings, so the heat preservation function of doors and windows is the key of building energy consumption, and energy-saving heat preservation is one of the functions of energy-saving doors and windows.

在加强材料的光学、热工性能以及密封性的根本上,利用升级门窗的构造来达到目的,运用现代科技研发的门窗,也就是节能门窗。On the basis of strengthening the optical, thermal and sealing properties of materials, the structure of doors and windows is upgraded to achieve the purpose. The doors and windows developed by modern science and technology are energy-saving doors and windows.


We can analyze from these three aspects: the material, glass and technology of doors and windows. The bridge broken aluminum doors and windows are widely used in energy-saving doors and windows.


The key to energy saving of bridge broken aluminum doors and windows:


Design of profile

断桥铝门窗的隔热冷桥多腔体结构,利用断桥隔热的方法来大限度阻拦能 量的传导,从而实现节能。

The heat insulation cold bridge multi cavity structure of the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows uses the method of bridge insulation to block the transmission of energy to a large extent, so as to achieve energy saving.


Choice of glass


The main energy loss of the broken bridge aluminum door and window glass is thermal radiation. According to different energy-saving indexes, the glass with proper performance can be selected according to local conditions.


The heart of doors and windows - hardware accessories


Hardware accessories are the key to the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows. Hardware accessories are not only related to the air tightness, water tightness, wind resistance and other performance of doors and windows, but also closely related to the energy saving effect.


Reasonable assembly

断桥铝门窗的组件要符合标准,根据设计要求把各种部件进行正确的组装,全 面的将门窗系统呈现,这样才是完善的节能门窗。

The components of the broken bridge aluminum doors and windows should meet the standards. According to the design requirements, all kinds of components should be correctly assembled, and the door and window system should be presented comprehensively. This is the perfect energy-saving doors and windows.


The main function of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is thermal insulation, which also belongs to the priority assembly of energy-saving doors and windows in today's residential buildings. Choose Suifu broken bridge aluminum doors and windows to further enjoy a better life.
